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south american countries name list

           south american countries name list
Every one know that south america is a parts of united states.

Today we want to focus on south america.

South america consist of 12 countries.
South america countries mostly famous for football but also famous for other things.

 We also focus for many things which are situated in south america.

South america's famous countries argentina and Brazil.  

We all know abouth brazil and argentina for its football.

 We know south america for its sport football here we know other things about south america.

United states separated into two parts or we called two regions that is north america and south america.

 South america is bordered on the west by the pacific ocean and the north and the east by the atlantic ocean,north america and the caribean sea.

South america largest river is the amazon river.

South america longest mountain range the andes.

And south america highest mountain is aconcagua.

South america largest city is sao paula,brazil.

South america largest rain forest is the amazon rain forest.

South america largest lake is titicaca lake.

Longest wood we found only in south america which is called balsa.

In world brazil is the only country there equiox and cactus line passing through.

World copper capital is chuquicamata it is located in north of chile in south america.

 South america country brazil official language is portuguese.

 South america countries colombia and chili their costal line suiated in boyh of place atlantic and pacific ocean.

 South america country brazil have it is border line with all of the countries in south america except chili and uruguay.

 South america bird emu does not fly.

The list of countries are:-
French guyana


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