Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-1934) Congress accepted the challenge of secretary of state for India. lord Birkenhead to prepare a constitution by Indian leader acceptable to all the parties.Under Motilal Nehru a report was introduced known as Nehru Report.Which not only prepared Constitution but also put a demand before the british to give the status of dominion state of india within one year. Civil Disobedience from 1930 to 1934 Purna swaraj Since british did not give the dominion state to india within one year therefore congress demand purna swaraj in Lahore session in 1929 on 26th january .In1930 india celebrated its indepence day in the bank of ravi river in Lahore. 14th point demand of Jinnah Jinnah refused the constitution prepared by Indian leaders because he did not give a wide amount of concession to the muslim league therefore Jinnah put forward 14th demand before the british which were however rejected by the british. 11th point demand of Gandhi Gandhi...