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National Freedom Struggle in 1857 to 1947

National Freedom Struggle in India  (from 1857 to 1947)

1. phase of Moderates and Extremist


The main objective of moderates was to awaken the people of India by launching their movement and putting their demands in a democratic way. Their demand were very soft in nature and they did not try to irritated the British. In a initial stage ,therefore this stage was known as Phase of Moderate.The main leaders of moderate were Dadabhai Naroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Surendranath Banerjee, Badruddin Tyabji, Firojshah Mehta etc.

Dadabhai Naoroji

Dadabhai Naoroji known as the “Grand Old Man of India”. He was the first Indian who was elected to the house of commons in Britain. He was the professor in Presidency College of Bombay. He was the first Indian who ‘Measure the National Income of India’. In this article “India's debt to England” become concept of “Drain of Wealth”. His famous book was “Poverty and UN-British Rule in India”.

Gopal Krishna Gokhela

 Gopal Krishna Gokhale was Political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi. He was first leader of congress who put the demand of Swaraj from the congress platform, his famous paper wasSudharak”.


By the 1905 some new young leaders emerge to oppose the policy of moderates and they advocated for an aggressive policy against the British imperialism.This leaders known as Extremist. The main Extremist leaders were Balgangadhar Tilak, Lala Rajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal, Aurobindro Ghosh. Aurobindra Ghosh gave the concept in his important article was “new lamps for old” . He was the principle of Bengal National College .The difference of Moderate and Extremist came to the surface when Bengal was Partition in July 1905 by lord Curzon.

2. Swadeshi Movement

The partition was implemented in 16th October 1905 by lord Curzon. The main objective the partition was to divided the Hindu and Muslim and Weaken national movement in Bengal. Against partition in Bengal congress started Anti-Partition movement, which was also known as Swadeshi Movement .

There were following three objective in Swadeshi Movement Swadeshi , Boycott, National Education.The main leaders of Swadeshi movement was –Lal,Bal,Pal .In Calcutta Federation Hall was setup by Ananda Mohan Bose to show the Unity among the people of Bengal. Rabindranath Tagore composed “Amar Sonar Bangla” and started the festival of ‘Raksha Bandhan’ 16th October 1905,was observed as a Day of Morning.The main feature of Swadeshi movement was self reliance or atma shakti.By the end of the 1908 the swadeshi movement came to an end,the extremist wanted to spread the movement outside the Bengal,who was oppose by the moderate which rate to the spilt to the congress in surat session 1906,is weaken the congress . The Tilak was arrested 1908 who was sent to the Mandalay prison in Burma.Where Tilak worte his famous book”Gita Rahasya”. Aurobindo Ghosh was charged in Alipore conspiracy case,later on he fled way to Pondicherry where he became set up a Ashram”Auro Vile” in Pondicherry. Allignment of Bengal took place in 1911.This was made in 1911,during lord Hardinge and capital of india was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi.(Delhi became the capital of India in 12th December ,1911), George (v) came to India on this occasion.

3. Homerul League movement

The concept of Homerul League movement was borrowed from Ireland by Annie Besant.The main objective of Homerul movement was to self government with in the British Dominion.Tilak hijack the idea and setup the Homerul league around Maharashtra in april in 1916.Annie Besant setup the Homerul League in September 1916. Her Homerul league was all india in nature ,where as Tilak’s Homerul league was confined to Maharashtra.Valentine Chirol comment on Tilak as the Father of Indian Disturbance, Tilak registered a Defamation against Chirol.Tilak started the Shivaji festival and Ganpati festival in Maharashtra to awaken the people of Maharashtra in 1897.He launched no revenue campaign in Maharashtra ,he wrote two paper Maratha(English) and Kesari(Marathi).By 1918 the Homerul league movement came to an end on 1st august 1920 ,the day when Gandhiji launched his famous Non-Cooperation movement.

4. Gandhian Movement

Gandhi went to South Africa to fight the case of Abdullah and company (1893).In pieter maritzburg he was pushed down the train.The event promoted Gandhi to fight against the racism in South Africa so he started his first Satyagraha in South Africa. He setup two farms in south Africa “Phoenix” and “Tolstoy” . Gandhi was influenced by ‘Thareau’ for his Satyagraha and Non-Violence by ‘Tolstoy’.Gandhi first time went in Jail in South Africa .He published a newspaper in South Africa against racism knows “Indian Opinion”. Gandhi remains 22 years in South Africa and came back in 1915,9th January. Gandhi established Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad in 1916 which was also known as Satayagrah Ashram. Gandhi wrote book “My experiments with truth” , “Hind swaraj” . Paper name was “Young India”, “Navajivan” , “Harijan” .

Champaran Satyagraha (1917)

In Champaran peasant were opposing the TinKathia system.Through this system in Champaran peasant were forced to plant Indigo.Against this oppereation the peasant region in Champaran Rajkumar Shulka called Gandhi to Champaran.Gandhi came to Champaran took cause of peasant in Champaran for the first time Gandhi use the tools of Satyagraha and Non-violence against the British . Gandhi got success in Champaran Agrarian committee was setup on the recommendation of this committee the Indigo cultivation was ended in Champaran on the success of Gandhi ,Rabindranath Tagore gave him the title of ‘Mahatma’, later on Gandhi gave title to Tagore that is ‘Gurudev’.

Ahmedabad mill laboure strike (1918)

 In Amedabad mill owner stop the plague bonus to the workers which let to the opposite of woke. Gandhi supported of worker and first time in Ahmedabad he used the weapon of ‘hunger strike’ he due to the effort of Gandhi the owner of were forced to pat 35% of bonus to the worker.

Kheda Satyagraha(1918)

 In kheda peasant were fighting for no-revenue campain which was supported by Gandhi and ultimately British were forced to spare these peasant who were not able to payt the taxes in this moment. Gandhi was supported by Vallabhbhai Patel.

5. Rowlatt Act

Rowlatt Act was introduced by justice Sidney Rowlatt in 1919 this act was known as (Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes act 1919) under this act any person can be arrested on the basis of suspicion .This act as known as ‘Black Law’ no appeal no advocate no argument . Gandhiji called an all India hartal on 6th April 1919.

6. Jallianwalabagh Incident

Jallianwalabagh incident 13th april,1919. Against the arrest of two leaders Dr.Satyapal and Dr.Saifuddin Kichry,people assembled peacefully in jallianwalabagh when General Diyer order people killing thousand of persons. Against this incident Rabindranath Tagore return the title of Knighthood . Sakaran Nair resigned from the executive council of governor general.Hunter Committee was setup by the british to examine or investigate this incident.

7. Khilafat Movement

 IN 1919-1922 going to the humiliation meted out to the khalifa, all the Muslim of India organized a movement name khalifat movement ,against the British Gandhi supported this movement and he was appointed president of all India khalifat committee in delhi. The main leaders of khalifat movement of Ali brother –Mohammad Ali and Shawkat Ali .On march 1920 khalifat day was observe. Maulana Abul kalam Azad was another leader of this movement who with his paper ‘Al-Hilal’ , ‘Al-Balagh’ propagated this movement .

8. Non-Cooperation Movement(1920-1922)

 On this first august, 1920 Gandhi started his first mass movement.This movement was very successful however the incident of Chaurichaura on 5th February 1922 ,forced Gandhiji withdraw the movement on 5th January 1922, congress officially called off the movement 12th February,1922 by bardoli resolution.After the withdrawal of Non-Cooperation movement some congress leaders became disappointed who opposed the ideas of Gandhi for ruining the national movement therefore two groups were formed one group believed in Gandhian policy known as ‘no changers’ like Vallabhbhai patel , Dr.Rajendra Prasad another ‘Pro changer’ like Motilal Nehru,Chittaranjan Das.

Swaraj Party(1923)

 C.R.Das and Motilal Nehru formed the Swaraj Party in 1953 which was also known as ‘Congress Khilafat Swaraj Party’.The main object of swaraj party was to enter the central legislative council and to oppose the british policy for that matter swaraj party fougth election and got a number of seats. Vithalbhai patel (1st before Independence)became the speaker of central legislative assembly.The secretory of swaraj party was C.R. Das after the death of Chittarnjan Das in 1925 the impact of swaraj party was ended.

9. Simon Commission(1927)

According to government of India 1919 Simon commission was set up in 1927.Its chairman was Jhon Simon.The main objective to review the constitutional development in India. Simon commission reached in India in 1928.Since it has no Indian member there for in India. It was widely protested and the call of ‘go back Simon’ was given.Anti-Simon commission Agitation Lala Rajpat Rai was succem to this injuries due to the lathi charge on him by saunders in Lahore.

Nehru Report(1928)

 Congress accepted the challenge of secretary of state for India. lord Birkenhead to prepare a constitution by Indian leader acceptable to all the parties.Under Motilal Nehru a report was introduced known as Nehru Report.Which not only prepared Constitution but also put a demand before the British to give the status of dominion state of India within one year.

Demand of Purna Swaraj(1929)

Since British did not give the dominion state to India within one year therefore congress demand purna swaraj in Lahore session in 1929 on 26th January .In 1930 India celebrated its Independence day in the bank of ravi river in Lahore.

14th point demand of Jinnah

Jinnah refused the constitution prepared by Indian leaders because he did not give a wide amount of concession to the Muslim league therefore Jinnah put forward 14th demand before the British which were however rejected by the British.

11th point of Gandhi

Gandhi wated to go in his second mass movement but before that he put forward 11th demand before the british which were rejected.

10. Civil  Disobedience Movement(1930-1934)

After the refusal  of 11th point demand of Gandhi,he launched his Civil Disobedience movement by Dandi Andolan (salt march).Gandhi went Sabarmati to Dandi with his 78 followers and had broken the salt law,therefore this movement is also known as ‘Salt Satyagraha civil disobedience movement’ had wide impact on the country.In Madras Raj Gopalachari was leading the movement.In Bihar Rajendra Prasad was leading against the chowkidari tax.Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan was leading the movement which was known as ‘Red Shirt Movement’.He formed a party named ‘Khudai Khidmatgar’ (sarvents of Allah).He was also known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’.

In Nagaland a 17th years old girl Gadine lieu was leading the movement .She was given a title of ‘Rani’ by Gandhi.

Gandhi Irwin Pact(1931)

On 5th march 1931 Lord Irwin and Gandhi concluded a pact under which Gandhi suspended Civil Disobedience movement and went to London to participate in the 2nd round table conference.Gandhi was the representative of congress in London.He was associated with Saragini Naidu.During his visit to London Winston Churchill commented on Gandhi as half naked fakir ,on the matter of communal agenda the talk has broken down .Gandhi came back to India and again started Civil Disobedience movement .However the changed governor general Lord Willingdon ruthlessly suppress the movement and Gandhi was arrested and put in yerwada jail in pune. General webmiller described the police atrocities witnessed in Dharasana, Gujarat.During the absence of Gandhi the Civil Disobedience movement was led by Abbas Tyabji.

Macdonald Award/Communal Award 1932

British prime minister Ramsay Macdonald announced that Dalit would be given the privilege of separate electorate system.

Puna Pact(1932)

In Yerwada jail Gandhi opposed the Macdonald Award and went on hunger strike. Due to the illness of Gandhiji, Ambedkar visited yerwada jail to see Gandhi.In yerwada jail a pact was concluded between Gandhi and Ambedkar known a Puna Pact, under this act Ambedkar withdraw the demand of separate electorate system of Dalit and accept the joined electorate system.

Seats of the dalit in the central legislative assembly increased from 71 to 148.

By 1934 Civil Disobedience movement came to an end and congress was declared as illegal party.

1937 election

On the recommendation of government of India in 1937 general election was conducted.In 1937, in this election congress form the government in 7 states where as Muslim league form the government to this state Punjab, Bengal.

11. Begining of 2nd world war and india’s involvement

In 1939 2nd world war started .During the war Britain unilaterally involved india in the war without consulting the Indian leaders, this war opposed by Indian leaders.

August offer(1940)

In protest of India's involvement in the war without consulting Indian leaders.Congress resigned from the government in 7 states on 22nd  December, 1939.Muslim league celebrated ‘Day of Deliverance’ on 22nd December, 1939.

In order to involved India in the war , British an offer to the congress known as August Offer. According to this proposal they said that if India help the British in the war then offer that India would be given the States of Dominial State.Congress rejected the August Offer.

Cripps Mission(1942)

In order to involve India in the war Britisher again sent a mission to India under Stafford cripps known as crippes mission it repeated august proposal and said that of India gets involve in the india they will be given dominial status after end of the war.Congress again rejected the cripps mission and Gandhi commented on it a ‘post dated cheque’ given by a failure bank.

12. Quit india movement

Due to failure of cripps mission Gandhi launch his 3rd mass movement known as quit India movement on 8th august ,1942 from Gwalior .Bombay session of congress passed the resolution to start the quit India movement.this movement is also known august movement.on 9th august Gandhi was arrested and he was kept at the aga khan palace in pune.during this movement Gandhi gave his famous call ‘Do or Die’.


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