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Indian independence movement in British India - Ghadhian Movement

Gandhian Movement

 Gandhi went to South Africa to fight the case of Abdullah and company (1893).In pieter maritzburg he was pushed down the train.The event promoted Gandhi to fight against the racism in South Africa so he started his first Satyagraha in South Africa.

He setup two farms in south Africa “Phoenix” and “Tolstoy” . Gandhi was influenced by ‘Thareau’ for his Satyagraha and Non-Violence by ‘Tolstoy’.Gandhi first time went in Jail in South Africa .He published a newspaper in South Africa against racism knows “Indian Opinion”. Gandhi remains 22 years in South Africa and came back in 1915,9th January. Gandhi established Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad in 1916 which was also known as Satayagrah Ashram.Gandhi wrote book “My experiments with truth” , “Hind swaraj” . Paper name was “Young India”, “Navajivan” , “Harijan” .

Indian independence movement in British India - Ghadhian Movement
Indian Independence Movement in British India

Champaran Satyagraha (1917)                                                          

In Champaran peasant were opposing the TinKathia system.Through this system in Champaran peasant were forced to plant Indigo.Against this oppereation the peasant region in Champaran Rajkumar Shulka called Gandhi to Champaran.Gandhi came to Champaran took cause of peasant in Champaran for the first time Gandhi use the tools of Satyagraha and Non-violence against the british .Gandhi got success in Champaran Agrarian committee was setup on the recommendation of this committee the Indigo cultivation was ended in Champaran on the success of Gandhi ,Rabindranath Tagore gave him the title of ‘Mahatma’,later on Gandhi gave title to Tagore that is ‘Gurudev’.

Ahmedabad mill laboure strike (1918)

 In Amedabad mill owner stop the plague bonus to the workers which let to the opposite of worke.Gandhi supported of worker and first time in Ahmedabad he used the weapan of ‘hunger strike’ he due to the effort of Gandhi the owner of were forced to pat 35% of bonus to the worker.

Kheda Satyagraha (1918)

 In kheda peasant were fighting for no-revenue campain which was supported by Gandhi and ultimately british were foced to spare these peasant who were not able to payt the taxes in this moment.Gandhi was supported by Vallabhbhai Patel. 


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